Campaigns into the seat of Ibesikpo Asutan in the State House of Assembly in 2011 has begun with aspirants seeking support of political elders ahead of the contest. In this interview with Global Concord, Obong Donatus Noah, former council Vice Chairman bares his mind on who will be qualified to take the coveted seat. Excerpts…
Chief we are happy to meet you today to have your views on certain issues especially politics in Ibesikpo Asutan and Akwa Ibom State in general. But before we proceed and for the interest of the reading public, we want to know who we are speaking with.
I am Obong Donatus Effiong Noah, Iberedem Ekpe of Asutan Ekpe, A political leader in Asutan Ekpe. My village is Ikot Akpaeyoho, a component of Asutan Ekpe community in Ibesikpo Asutan Local Government Area. I started my life as a teacher. I Joint the teaching profession and taught for many years and places in Calabar, Akpabuyo, Akamkpa etc. It was in 1983 that I retire from my teaching profession to politics when I wanted to go to council as Chairman in the then Uyo local government council. Well then I did not have the full mandate of my people, not only my people, the people of Uyo. So they did not support me, so I dropped. I contested again under the UPN platform, well since politic is something that is not predictable or reliable, I failed, I dropped again because for one, the election was manipulated. It was full of malpractices involving cheating. Therefore after 1983, I contested to the office of the chairman, the then Ekpe Attai local government, but since the zoning system did not favor me, I was persuaded and voted in as the vice chairman. So from 1991, I was the executive Vice Chairman of Ekpe Atai local government. Since then I actively and fully participated in politics. Well politics by then had meaning. It had a clear significance because during the army regime, cheating and manipulation and all other vices were not welcomed in the first place. Election was then, “you win you win, when you loss, you loose”.
After Ekpe Atai, we came back to Ibesikpo Asutan, I aspired as the chairman of the council but zoning came up again so I dropped the aspiration.
Sir you mentioned the military regime, and you seem to have some faith in their practice because “there were some level of credibility and fairness”; that sounds contradicting to what most people belief that the military brought corruption into politics…
(Cuts in) Anybody that says that the military brought corruption and all these electoral vices is telling fallacy and wrong history. Is saying what is at the level of his knowledge or understanding. It wasn't so because by then something was introduced, I mean a different system was introduced into election or selection. It was option A4. When you want to vote either the Councillor, Chairman, Governor, House of Assembly, Senate, President, you have to start from your village, when you win, you win, when you don't win you don't win. Start from your ward, people cue behind you in the open. That option A4 was very important but is not applicable now…you cannot just come from your village now and go to Abuja and say: “I want to contest as President”, you have to start from your community. Like what happen to Gowon, He Start it from his own ward. There was nothing wrong in that system. No corruption of any kind.
Election is fast approaching, will you recommend that system to the National Assembly who are currently in the process of reviewing the electoral system, will you suggest a return to option A4…
(Cuts in) Yes. I very much would ask them to do something toward that direction. Most of the electoral frauds, those malpractices will be checked and controlled if we go back to option A4
One of the recommendations of Muhamed Uwais committee before the Lawmakers is that the governors who are looking for second term or any political office holder looking forward to re-contest should “step aside” before re-contesting for that office. Do you subscribe to that recommendation?
Yes. My support to that recommendation is very very strong. It is necessary for aspirants to leave of office to give all other contestants some kind of a level platform to marshal their aspiration.
Ok Chief. Let's come back to Ibesikpo Asutan where you are a very senior and respectable citizen. What are the tools used here in selecting people to represent this local government at different levels of government.
In Ibesikpo Asutan, we have Ibesikpo and we have Asutan, two great and big clans. When I was honoured in 1989, my investiture was under the platform of Asutan Ekpe as Iberedem Ekpe of Asutan Ekpe. My investiture was not under the platform of Iwawa or Ndikpo, therefore Asutan Ekpe is supreme and still stand. We had a clan head, former paramount ruler who died recently as an Okuibom II of Ibibio race. He was the clan head of Asutan Ekpe not for Iwawa or Ndikpo. We have one clan head now, Obong Bassey Udo Ekanem, is still the clan head for Asutan Ekpe and not for either Ndikpo or Iwawa.
At the local government basis, we have a mutual understanding between Asutan and Ibesikpo on two key political offices in the council this-the office of Chairman and House of Assembly seat. Earnestly we practice zoning in these offices. This zoning here is not as rigid as you may think. Rigid in the sense that it does not give room for continuity if there is need, Oh no. Ours can be flexible for instance we have the chairman from Asutan now. If he does well I mean outstanding well and there is need for him to be sent back, we can council together with Elders from both clans and continue to cede the office of the Legislature to our Ibesikpo brothers and vice versa. So where there is political maturity you can experience this sort of flexibility. But if this is not the case, after this tenure, the next chairman will come from Ibesikpo while we in Asutan will take turn to produce the House of Assembly member. And I want to clear this; when we say Asutan Ekpe, we want to produce somebody who is credible. We will take matter of credibility into consideration. Is not something that, because it is the turn of Asutan Ekpe, you come out with somebody who is not exposed and lacks the necessary political experience, No, I mean capital No. You can learn politicking as councilor but not at the hallowed chamber where one is expected to bring the experiences he had when he served at different sectors, boards, business etc into state lawmaking for efficiency. It is not business for boys…it is not a place for people who don't know how to work with Elders, No it is not like that again. This time we shall have it on the floor of Asutan Ekpe and the Elders, do you hear me? I mean the elders will look at it carefully and pass a word for the women, youths and entire people of Ibesikpo Asutan, they will be guided. No more will we have people who don't look back home, because they lack love for this people. We want transparency, morality creativity, accountability personified.
You mentioned Asutan and as you did that we know Asutan has two sub clans-Ndikpo and Iwawa…
(Cuts in) Is not yet pronounced. We have only Asutan O, not until we have maybe Asutan Local Government, we may think of dissecting our brothers. Or when we have Ndikpo Asutan Local Government Area. That is when the issue of internal zoning in Asutan will come up very strongly and binding as is between Ibesikpo and Asutan now regarding representation. But now we are on the platform of Asutan Ekpe. We need a very high level of intellectuals, cooperation and sound reasoning.
Sir let us understand the existing arrangement. Are we saying there is no zoning arrangement between Ndikpo and Iwawa onto House of Assembly
Yes. There has not been concrete understanding between the two sub clans. It surfaced few dispensations ago and beside that, there have not been concrete terms of references to guide its operation. Again you have to look at the people involved. We are one people from one source bounded by love and unity. When you mention zoning to this people, you are trying to tell them to divide or break that cord that kept them together. Again zoning came up in many instances because one sub set or clan has undue advantage on politics over others; there is mutual understanding such that dividend of democracy is evenly spread, you hardly will hear any agitation or any demand for turn because most times a friend can be more helpful than a close relative. That is generally speaking. Coming back to Ndikpo and Iwawa, Ndikpo people had prominent men in politics, like David Hanson Inyang … Etim Sam Udo, Etukudo Ibok, (all late) … we have so many people from there who occupied prominent political positions, nobody jealous about it, no body complained because those people were from Asutan and Asutan is for all of us. So there has been this sort of brotherly understanding and co-operation.
Sir, what you are saying reminds me of and advertorial that was published sometimes ago by Ibesikpo Asutan youth groups. They alleged that there has not been zoning of seats between Ndikpo and Iwawa and stated clearly that the next House of Assembly seat should be ceded to Iwawa. What is your view over the advertorial?
What the youths said, though I have not seen it yet, is tilting in fact to the favour of what I'm saying. That this issue of Iwawa and Ndikpo should not be elevated to become a barrier to the development of Asutan Ekpe. Many clans have left us behind. When we want to send somebody to the House of Assembly, the National Assembly, or any other office, let it be somebody who is liberal, let it be somebody that can let the community of Asutan Ekpe have the benefit of democracy not a small boy, … saying this is my turn, somebody who will be able to bring down dividend of democracy, not somebody who will go there and is discriminated, or somebody that is picked or nominated or selected or impose on the people by one man, by a private man, by a local man or whoever because he is in position of authority in the party, saying “you that boy go so you will be loyal to me, He w-i-l-l- n-o-t-g-o-. Asutan Ekpe will sit down and give somebody a mandate, a man or a woman, the mandate of the generality of Asutan Ekpe will be given to somebody upon his good tract records and specific conditions given equally. Not what I'm hearing about some underhand dealing of some people. I say it won't work.
Sir, we learnt that some people are currently or are already lining up for the race to the House of Assembly seat for Ibesikpo Asutan. How do you assess the aspirants and do you have any one of them in your mind?
Em … I have been hearing that some people are warming up, they've not come to me, if they come to me, I can assess them and pitch a tent with any of them if he or she meets these conditions I have told you. If such a person is one who will be accepted by the Assembly of Asutan Ekpe people, I will accept such person and talk about such a person. Well to be very candid, I don't want to tell the Press long stories, there is an Asutan man many elders are eyeing. He is among he aspirants and for reasons hat he is not declared publicly, I will not mention him on air. He occupies a prominent position in a very sensitive commission in this state. He is somebody who can represent Asutan Ekpe people effectively and turn in effective and effective dividend of democracy. I reached my judgment from the fact that he has served in many positions, has gotten appointments at state level and is performing outstandingly well. He has gotten goodwill of many people here in Asutan, He has empowered many women and youths as private individual thereby contributing to the socio-economic improvement of Asutan Ekpe. I can from the little he has done predict that given an opportunity, he can do more for us. he is very liberal, very transparent, very honest, he is qualified morally, academically, socially, is fit for the office. He is the kind of person Asutan Ekpe will look for when the chips are down.
Prior to this interview, Sir, have you been briefed by these aspirants including the man you have mentioned on their dreams for the constituency if elected?
I have not been briefed, but from what we know about most of them, you can see from the distant who that cap fit properly. There is an intelligent and respectful commissioner in that line, we the Elders will go for him. In fact we learnt that groups are falling on themselves in solidarity to him. This time, it will not be business as usual. If the cap does not fit you, you won't wear it.
How will you rate house of Assembly member from this constituency before and now will you give a pass mark on their performances?
Well … em yes. Most of them bought motorcycles and distribute though to me that is not too acceptable, they supported students and made useful contributions at the house, they've tried, they've done every well. The present one has never shown us where he is … he has never shown us his own programme. I belief before the first halve of the year, he will show us his programme.
Alright Sir, let's look at the state government's performance. How will you rate the government of Chief Godswill Akpabio.
Thank you my dear. First, Governor Godswill Akpabio is a good person. He is a very compassionate fellow. He is liberal and very social. He has tried his best. He has performed very well. His performance is worth praises. He deserves thanks from every body. He is a kind man, I like him. If his lieutenants will leave him alone, that man would perform wonderfully well. He has done everything within his own capability and ability to see that Akwa Ibom State feels the impact of his governance. For instance, this village is a small village, he has given me borehole water, you see the school which we have built for centuries, he has renovated it, he has tried as a human being but there are some dubious people in his government. As for the man Godswill Akpabio, the man has tried, I have nothing, I mean nothing to disqualify him. Therefore to me, I give him 99% in his administration.
You speak glowingly about the governor, but sir, we are told greater part of his opponents are from Ibesikpo Asutan.
(Cuts in) Nobody opposes him from Ibesikpo Asutan… nobody opposes him. It is wrong people in the party, the party structure, those who claim they are the party, they claim the hierarchy of the party, it is those people who make or try to cause problem for the man. Those people who are trying to push the elders aside from decision making or common courtesy of consultation and recognition … like myself they said I have retired, Obong Donatus Noah? Azikiwe was respected and consulted by his people; here they talk all sort of rubbish. They don't want elders to advice them. That notwithstanding, everybody, like myself, Obong Donatus Noah, I will ever live to support that man. In the electioneering campaign in Ibesikpo Asutan in 2007, I was the man who presented him to the people of Ibesikpo Asutan. I was the person that received him and presented him, but today ever since he has been there, he has not seen or wants to see me. Not his own mistake, not that he has ignored me, it is the people that are with him that are saying “don't go to Obong Iberedem Ekpe”. That does not deter my decision. I have seen what he has done and stands by what the Ikpaison Anang, Ibibio, Oron say, that they want him. Don't let anybody deceive you in Ibesikpo Asutan we are solidly behind Obong Godswill Akpabio.
Let's look at the possibility of the governor coming to power again in the face of reality. People are complaining of poverty, hunger, lack of funds, insecurity, and considering the recent rating conducted by a certain medium on Governor Akpabio, Senator Udoedehe, Mr. Lary Esin and Engr. Udonwa, Governor Akpabio came below the 1st. What is the possibility that he will be successful in 2011?
Well em, Ibibio use to say that “ke aboyo iso idim, anye amono eyen idim”. Obot Akpabio is an incumbent governor and in the line up, he is the number one … that rating is a paper work … there are some things to be talked about not many that are being heard today. Out of violence, some people may decide to make violence for themselves. It is not Governor Obot Akpabio that is inflicting us with those things. … I don't belief most of these and I don't know and don't want to know, God knows it all (laughs).
Now regarding poverty, hunger, em… well I will agree with you to some extent. Instead of criticizing the governor I will suggest that since many people can't afford two square meals, contract should be given to private individuals, not an all political affairs. Like myself, I am a registered contractor but I have not been given one, and nobody from Ikot Akpaeyoho has been given, if it is done that way, we shall reduce poverty and hunger.
What is your advice to the people of Akwa Ibom State regarding the 2011 election and the people of Ibesikpo Asutan.
There will be no problem, the governorship, the House of Assembly, the chairmanship, all elections will be free and fair. Those people who are interested better work hard. Like the man I've mentioned regarding our Assembly seat, must continue to maintain the goodwill he has gotten. He must continue to be kind and free. All the candidates in every position must work hard because option A4 is coming back. Option A4 is the ultimate to the electoral problems we are having. As for Governor Obot Akpabio, he must work hard, I like him.
Before we conclude Sir, what is your assessment of the performance of the Executive Chairman of Ibesikpo Asutan Local Government Area? Has he been able to meet the expectation of the people?
Thank you for that question, my dear. But before I come to that, I heard that this money, this monthly grant does not come directly to them. There are some middle people that siphon the money and give them a little part. If whatever is sent to them from the Federal Government gets to them directly, honestly that boy would have performed miraculously, effectively well, purposefully well. He is one of the finest political products that we have here in Ibesikpo Asutan and Asutan in particular. I am very proud of that boy. But the money is not much. Well he has tried within the lean resources which have been alloted to Ibesikpo Asutan. He has done what others did not do before him. The real essence of Local Government administration has been achieved in this case. In this my own village, he has built a market and in some other places provided sustainable source of portable water, some he gave oil processing mills, he is performing very well. If he was to have enough money he would have performed more than that.