Who buys my thoughts
Buys not a cup of honey
That sweetens every taste
But buys the throb,
of young Africa's soul
the soul of teeming millions
hungry, naked, sick
yearning, pleading, waiting.
- Dennis Osadebay.
WHERE ARE WE HEADING TO? A man wants to marry a virgin, yet he had disvirgined many. A girl wants to have her man alone, yet she is dealing with other girls' men. Friends want faithfulness from others, yet they have ruined many homes by their unfaithfulness. A father wants his daughter indoors, yet he hires flats for other peoples' daughters. Mother wants her daughters to be legally married, yet she had run errands on illegal marriages for other people's daughters. Government says it does not want opposition, yet those in government are doing things that call for opposition.
TO WHERE ARE WE HEADING? A poor young man rises to speak the truth, but he ends up being haunted and hunted for. Chief Ononokpono asked 15 salient-points-like questions which represent the views of majority of Akwa Ibom people, but ends up standing in front of a judge. Is this one of the problems everyman was created to face? May be.
You see, man's life in this world is full of problems. He comes into the world without his knowledge, and goes out usually against his will. The short journey between his coming and going is very difficult.
The basic truth of the contrary is among the features of his journey. When he is little, the big girls kiss him, but when he is matured, only the little girls kiss him. If he is rich, people claim he is dishonest; if he needs credit, he can't get it. If he is prosperous, every person wants him to do them favour.
If he commits to politics, people claim he is a liar, if he is a devout Christian, people say he is a hypocrite. If he fails to go to church, they call him a hardened sinner. If he is generous, people say he wants to win friendship. If he saves money, he is stingy and should be fired; if he spends, he lacks plan for his future, perhaps, suffering from squandermania.
If he dies young, there was a great future for him, if he lives to be old; he had missed his call, perhaps, a wizard. If he eats much, people say he is a glutton, if he can't eat much, they say he lacks appetite.
If he writes Salient Points, some people say he is against the government; if he fails to write, majority say he has received some money or favour from the government.
NO! NOT FOR MONEY. When every body's talk involves money. When popular votes are won not by persuasion, but money. When love terminates because of money. When 'honey' becomes vinegar not by mixture, but in the absence of money. When wife divorces husband because of money; when love can only be managed with money. When man enslaves himself because of money. When man worships man because of money. When smile quarrels with the face in the absence of money. When the mouth talks much only when there is money.
Many have walked naked because of money. Many have turned to vultures still because of money. Nigerians are corrupt because of naira. Even some ministers of God betray those who thirst for salvation in the name of money.
NO! I CAN'T DIE BECAUSE OF MONEY. It is better to wait than to waste. The only thing that is good is what God gives you. Integrity and a good name matter a lot in the society. The moment you carry an evil thought in your mind you can't escape an evil life. It is the devil's method to try to use physical things to obtain spiritual result, so be careful! I will rather go for what is slow, but sure; than for what is fast, yet uncertain.
I can't allow things and situations to change me, rather I strive to change situations (and things). I do everything I can to maintain my principle and I try to admit the mind of Christ in the midst of crisis.
I SUPPORT ALL ELEMENTS OF PROGRESS and stand against all forces of oppression in human lives. For he who must buy guns and other weapons to destroy others in our dear state to retain power must have destruction awaiting him at the post of his success. Whosoever must kill in order to succeed (for second term) will certainly have death as sentinel at the door of his own life.
Good when corrupted becomes bad. ONE GOOD TURN DESERVES ANOTHER, but one bad turn dissolves the previous good. It is not a mistake to make a mistake, but it is a mistake to repeat a mistake. Akwa Ibom People, we had made a collective mistake some years ago, let's not repeat it in 2011.
These are salient points! Ofofon enyene nti ndito Akwa Ibom.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
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